Saturday, May 17, 2008

MaiN TariK taLi

Act kiTe org terpaKsa masuk acara TariK taLi (Program JKM (Jab. Kej. Mekanikal) Lifestyle)ni sebab peserta Yg betUL suMe dah baLik Kg. Tapi walau cam Ne pOn kite oRg telah cuBe yg terbaik bagi memastikan Kursus DKM (Dip. Kej. Mekanikal) "bermaruah" hehehee....waLaupun kalaH tapi memg pUas Hati, tapi memg Lepak giLer Lepas game ni...anyway DKM is the Best..ngan SupPorter yg saNgat berSemangat menjerit-jerit kat Tepi mase Game tu :-) and then masuk acara sukaneka hehee...dah mcm kanak-kanak ribeNa pOn ade, tiup belon (Salimni), masukKan air dLm botol gune spaN (Faka), Tiup Tepung (Me), Lari dLm Guni (KhairuL) and finally we on 1st place for this game fuhhhh...

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